Monday, October 27, 2008


Well, it is pumpkin carving time! We were supposed to go to a pumpkin patch this past weekend, but it was way too windy and cold. The kids were so disappointed so I took them to Walmart to get pumpkins and they were good with that. It is amazing the problems and Walmart can fix! Connor got into carving his pumpkin. He even got his hands dirty getting the seeds out. Anna ate part of the top of her pumpkin. She had a couple of bites before we saw what she was doing. Oh well! Luke go naked as usual. Mema and G-pa Sir came over to drop off some goodies and Luke put Anna's boots on and walked around with Steve's cane (note the picture). Other than that, not too much going on here. I better get going for tonight! Have a nice Halloween!


Anonymous said...

The kids are so cute - it's spooky! Have a happy halloween.
Grammy & Pops

Anonymous said...

I am crying I am laughing so hard -Gina